Revised by Board June 2003



ARTICLE I         Name

ARTICLE II        The Mission of Child Development Center

ARTICLE III       Policies and Objectives

ARTICLE IV      Management and Control

ARTICLE V       Election and Composition of the Board

ARTICLE VI      Meetings of the Board

ARTICLE VII      Tuition and Fees

ARTICLE VIII· Employment and Labor Policy

ARTICLE IX      Qualifications, Duties of Staff, Faculty, Director

ARTICLE X       Amendments

ARTICLE XI      Rules of Order



The name of this organization shall be Mount Cross Child Development Center. It shall be a part
of the outreach program of Mount Cross Lutheran Church, Camarillo, California.


"Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to
such as these." Mark 10:14

Mount Cross Lutheran Church, as a part of the body of Jesus Christ, has been called to teach.
Each generation has taught the next its perceptions of the will and grace of God. Yet the
teaching church does more than share facts. In its role as teacher, the church has created
community, shaped values, worked for justice, taught skills for productive living, and equipped
learners for Christian witness and proclamation. The Child Development Center will provide our
Mount Cross congregation with a unique opportunity for Christian nurture, mission outreach, and
quality education.

The Child Development Center becomes the environment in which faith is verbalized, and in
which prayer, praise, and witness are integrated into daily living. Home and school reinforce
each other through events such as personal counseling, parent-education studies, and worship

The Child Development Center provides a unique opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ
with parents and children of the community of Camarillo. The nurturing and missionary tasks
belong to the essence of the church. These two tasks are interrelated and neither can stand apart
from the other. Nurture and mission complement each other in the building up of the body of

The Child Development Center is committed to quality education. Within the context of Christian
stewardship, we will strive for excellence in the development and use of all God-given gifts. Our
Center will be committed to Christ and empowered by the gospel. We will strive by the grace of
God to serve equally our clientele and all people of the community whose lives are touched by
this outreach. Our goal is "the common good" of the community.


Section 1 - The purpose of this Child Development Center, hereinafter referred to as THE
CENTER, shall be to provide the child with a friendly introduction and access to the
church, and to provide a wide range of experiences beneficial to the child.

Section 2 - The school shall provide the highest possible educational and social opportunities for
young children in a Christian environment of love and understanding, free from
prejudice and discrimination. Corporal punishment is forbidden.

Section 3 - The child development center shall be licensed by the California State Department
of Social Services for the enrollment of children between the ages of 2 years, 9
months and 5 years.

*Copy of Department of Social Services Regulations is on file in school office.

Section 4 - The center shall be operated as a non-profit school.

Section 5 - By means of Christian educational programs and incentives, the center seeks to:


a.        Stimulate the child's interest in the world.

b.        Motivate and stimulate the child to seek information and knowledge.

c.        Develop cognitive processes, including communication skills that are appropriate

for the pre-school child.

d.        To encourage a child towards a sense of self worth and well-being.

e.        To accustom the child to a varied social environment, and

f.         To establish and maintain a good rapport between the school and the child's

Section 6 - It is the policy of the child development center that children attending the center and
faculty may pray together each day and pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America.


Section 1 - The Center, its policies and control shall be overseen by the Congregational Council
in accordance with the Constitution for the Congregation of Mt. Cross Lutheran
Church section C14.01

Section 2 - Operation and management of the center shall be vested in a Board of Directors
(hereinafter referred to as the Board).

Section 3 - The curriculum and operating schedule shall be as recommended by the school
director and approved by the Board.

Section 4 - The Board shall have supervision of the operation of the center including, but not
limited to:

a. Approval and ratifying employment and dismissal of all staff and faculty


b.       Authorize the purchase of all major materials, equipment or improvements.

c.        Establish pay scales and fringe benefits for staff and faculty members in line
with rates of pay at other similar schools in the Camarillo area.

d.       Implement programs and propose program or school curriculum changes as
necessary, taking into consideration any suggestions or comments by the
director of the school.

Section 5 - The Board shall keep all financial records of income and expenses for each school
term and semester, submitting such permanent books and records to the Council
finance committee for audit once per year, or upon request of the Congregational
Council. A monthly financial statement shall be submitted to the Board and to the

Section 6-

a.       The Budget Committee shall be comprised of a minimum of 4 of the Elected
board members. All board members may serve on the budget committee. The
board Chair or Vice Chair shall facilitate the budget committee.

b.       The proposed budget shall be submitted to the board by the March board
meeting for review and approval.

Section 7 - The Board shall submit an annual proposed budget to the Congregational Council by
April 1. After the Council approves the budget, the board shall set fee and tuition
rates for each semester to coincide with the annual budget.

Section 8 - The Board (sitting with minimum of five members in attendance) shall act as an
impartial tribunal to hear and decide upon the merits of a dismissal of a staff or
faculty member, whenever such dismissed person voices objection to dismissal and

requests equal time to be heard.

The Board chairperson shall preside at such hearings, giving equal time, in
succession, to the person who dismissed the employee and to such dismissed and
objecting employee.

After a full hearing and questions by the Board members, if appropriate and
relevant, a vote of the Board shall decide whether the dismissal shall be affirmed or

Majority vote shall be one more than one-half of those in attendance.


Section 1 - The Board shall be composed of six elected members, one appointed member, and
two ex-officio members for a total of nine persons:

(1) Ex-Officio - Pastor Of Mt. Cross Lutheran Church

(2) Ex-Officio - Director of the Child Development Center
(3) Appointed - Treasurer of the Board

(4) Six persons recommended by the Board and approved by the Council.

(5) No employee of the Center, other than the Director, shall be a member of the


Section 2 - It is recommended that at least 1, but no more than 2 Board members be non-
members of Mt. Cross Lutheran Church.

Section 3 - The election process for Board members shall be as follows:

a.       Persons for consideration shall be solicited in the Church newsletter and bulletin
starting in April of each year.

b.       The Board shalI consider all interested persons & recommend a slate of persons
equal to the number of current openings to the Church Council for approval at
the May Council meeting.

c.        Elected board members shall serve alternating two-year terms, with three
persons being elected each year.

d.       A board member may not succeed himself or herself more than once.

e.        Interim vacancies on the board shall be appointed by the board to serve the
unexpired term.

f.        A board member may be replaced if absent without excuse for more than 3
meetings per year.

g.        Replacing a board member may be done only after written notice of intent to
replace and opportunity to be heard by the member.

Section 4 - At the first meeting of the Board in July the following officers shall be elected:

a.       The chairperson shall be a member of Mt. Cross Lutheran Church.

b.       The vice-Chairperson shall be a member of Mt. Cross Lutheran Church.

c.       Recording Secretary

d.       Treasurer

Section 5 - Duties and responsibilities of each officer shall be:
a. Chairperson

1)       Preside at all regular meetings and call any special meetings in writing
or by telephone as necessary.

2)       Act as representative to the Council with full membership rights (or the
board may designate an alternate representative).

3)       The Chairperson or the Vice Chairperson shall represent the Board and
the Mt. Cross Development Center whenever any actions of, the Board
or of the Center are questioned by the Congregational Council, the

Congregation itself, or the Synod .

.tL Vice-Chairperson shall act as chairperson in the absence of chairperson and if
there is a permanent vacancy until a new chairperson is elected by the board.
s, Secretary

1)       Shall attend to all correspondence of the Board.

2)       Shall keep accurate record of the proceedings of all Board meetings as
a pennanent record.

!h.. Treasurer

1) Shall be appointed by the board and shall be directly responsible to it.

                               2)      Shall provide the Director with the accounting information necessary to

develop the requested budget.

3)      Shall work with the Budget Committee to prepare and recommend an
annual budget to the Board.

4)       Shall submit each month copies of the monthly financial reports from the
board to the congregational council for review and submit financial
reports for the annual report to the congregation.

S)       Shall receive all revenue, including those funds collected by school staff,
and pay all bills approved by the board.

6)      Shall maintain financial records and submit same to the Board at end of
each school year, or upon request.

f.        The Board shall issue a written performance evaluation of the director each year
within 30 days of the end of the school year. Such evaluation shall be signed by
the director if agreed to; otherwise the director's right of review is stated in Art.
IX, Section 8.

9.:.. All Board members

7)       Shall regularly attend all meetings and notify the Chairperson or
Secretary when unable to attend any meeting.

8)       Shall become familiar with the operation of the center, its aims and
policies, its budget and facilities.

9)      Shall carefully consider all matters brought before the Board in terms of
the effect upon the church and the school.


Section 1. Regular meetings of the board shall be held monthly. Special meetings may be
called by the board chairperson and shall be called upon written request of no less
than 4 members of the board, the matters to be decided at a special meeting are
limited to those enumerated in the written notice.

Section 2. Emergency decisions may be made by telephoning all members available or by
contacting such members personally. Four (4) concurring votes decide the issue. A
written record of this emergency voting shall be read at the next board meeting,
ratified by the board and placed in the permanent minute book.

Section 3. Four (4) voting members of the board shall constitute a quorum at all meetings.

Section 4. The retiring board members and newly elected board members shall meet in June of
each year for orientation and transfer of duties and responsibilities.


Section 1 - Tuition and fees shall be reviewed and amounts recommended by the board and
approved by the congregational council for each school semester and announced
two weeks prior to the enrollment for the coming term. Fees and tuition shall not be
increased during that semester.


Section 2 - Parents or guardians of children attending the school shall be notified in writing of
any change in tuition rates and fees at least 2 weeks in advance of next term
enrollment date.

Section 3 - A non-refundable registration fee shall be required for each child at the time of
enrollment. The receipt for such fee must clearly state non-refundable.

Section 4 - In case of a returned check any fee charged to the school by its bank will be
collected from the person writing and presenting the returned check.


Section 1 - All members of staff and faculty of the Mount Cross Center shall be active members
of a Christian Church.

Section 2 - All members of staff and faculty will teach in accordance with the Holy Scriptures
and teach nothing that is in conflict with the Confessions of the Lutheran church.
They will be faithful in their study of Holy Scripture and in their use of the means of
grace and of prayer.

Section 3 - All staff and faculty members shall have a basic understanding of Mt. Cross
Lutheran Church as set forth in the Mission Statement of the Center as outlined in
Article II. They shall have a sincere affection for little children, interest in their
welfare and development.

Section 4 - All applicants for staff and faculty positions shall be required to present character
references as well as applicable State licensing credentials when applying for a
position with Center.

Section 5 - The Board shall establish all rates of pay (hourly and monthly) for staff and faculty
for each school year.

Section 6 - There shall be no reductions in pay during the period of an employment contract.

Section 7 - All fringe benefits, i.e. insurance, workmen's compensation, unemployment
insurance, etc., shall be -defined and arranged for by the Board each year.

Section 8 - All State and Federal Income Tax, Social Security contributions, State Disability
Insurance, and other government mandatory salary deductions shall be withheld
from pay checks and amounts remitted to the proper agency.

Section 9 - Work schedules shall be assigned to staff and faculty by the director with 48 hours
notice of any change.

Section 10 Any dismissals of staff or faculty are subject to review by the Board in accordance with                                 Article IV - Section 8.

Section 11 The Director of Center same right of appeal as granted other employees under
Article IV - Section 8.

Section 12 If the vote of the Board is against the dismissed employee, he or she may appeal the
Board's decision to the congregational council. The council sitting as an impartial
tribunal shall hear the issue and render a decision.

Section 13 All applicants for employment shall be required to read this policy and to sign an

agreement to exercise both appeal rights before instituting any legal actions against
the center or filing a complaint with the State Labor Board.

Section 14 Any corporal punishment of any kind inflicted against a child shall result in
immediate dismissal.


Section 1 - The staff shall/may consist of a director of the Center, any clerical help and
maintenance crews as needed.

Section 2 - The director shall be a full time position with yearly salary payable in 12 installments.
Section 3 - Other staff positions may be full/part time at an hourly rate of pay. The work load
shall determine whether other staff positions are full or part time status, upon
decision of the director, approved by the Board.

Section 4 - Faculty shall consist of teachers, substitute teachers, teacher's aides and any other
persons who work directly with the children.

Section 5 - The size of staff and faculty shall be sufficient to properly operate the center,
maintain the premises, and teach the children. The number of employees, in
whatever category, shall be that number considered necessary by the Board, and
recommended by the director and in compliance with Califomia State regulations.

Section 6 - Qualifications and responsibilities of staff and faculty.
1. The Director shall:

4)       Be a Christian

5)       Be a graduate of an accredited college or university with a Bachelor of
Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree in one of the professional fields
relating to early childhood education.

6)       Shall have a Califomia certificate to teach in a preschool (or equivalent).

7)       Belong to and participate in related professional organizations.

8)       Be involved in continuing education programs including opportunities to
become familiar with the Lutheran tradition.

2. Teachers and Teachers Aides shall:

a)       Be a Christian.

b)      Be so qualified as to education and experience in early childhood
training as to meet all requirements to obtain a Califomia State
certificate to teach preschool and shall present full credentials.

c)       Participate in parent-teacher and faculty meetings.

d)       Each teacher is encouraged to attend a minimum of 2 educational
workshops per year. The workshop shall be approved by the director.
Fees and related costs may be paid by the center.

e)       Teachers are encouraged to participate in opportunities to become
familiar with the Lutheran tradition.

f)        Adhere to the dress code as outlined by the Director.

3. Substitutes:

a)       Be a Christian

b)       Shall qualify for and present the same credentials as the teachers.

c)       The names on the substitute list shall be approved by the Board.

Section 7 - Duties and Responsibilities of the Director

1. In executing school policies and program:

a) Supervises lesson planning and the school activities within the purpose,

goals and philosophy of the center.

b)      Communicates the policies and aims of the school to parents and to the
community upon request.

c)Attend Board meetings.
2. In relation to staff and faculty:

d)      Employs teachers, aids, substitutes as approved by the board.

e)       Conducts an orientation session for new faculty members with particular
emphasis on Articles I, II, III, IV and VIII of this statement.

f)       Presides at faculty meetings.

g)       Delegates duties and responsibilities to faculty and staff and supervise
such person

h)      Supervises the preparation of all records of students

i)         Maintains permanent file of all correspondence, making such
information available to the board.

j)        Develop an appropriate written evaluation tool to be completed annually
and kept in the employees personnel file.

k)      All employees may examine their complete personnel files upon request
to the Director at reasonable time and place.

l)        The director shall appoint and train an assistant who shall act as director
in cases of a temporary absence of the director.

3. In relation to center finances:

a)       The director shall submit to the board a requested budget outlining the
material needs and supplies for the center for the following fiscal year
including anticipated 3-year and 5-year equipment purchases and
replacements. It shall be submitted on or before the January board
meeting for review and discussion prior to the budget committee

4.       Present an annual report to Board for review and then send to congregational

Section 8 - In case of a dispute over a performance report or other labor-management problem
the following procedure shall be observed by the director.

1.       One on one oral discussion of the problem or complaint by employee and
director with recommended or agreed upon remedial measures.

2.       If remedial measures are not followed a written notice shall be sent to employee
with copy attached to the Directors report submitted at the next board meeting.

3.       If the situation continues written notice of termination with copy to the treasurer
of the Board who shall issue final pay check.

4.       The termination notice shall inform the employee of appeal rights as outlined in
Article IV, Section 8 (Appeal to the Board) and Article VIII, Section 12, (1st
appeal to the Board and 2nd step to the congregational council),

5.       Director:

a)       dismissal of the director shall be upon written recommendation of the
Board and approved by the Church Council.

b)       termination of service occurs at the end of each current school year or
as stated in an employment contract.

c)       under special circumstances, termination may be given and affected
within 30 days.

Section 9 - Employee resignations -the following procedure shall apply:

a.       All full time employees shall give two weeks written advance notice to the
Director who shall send copy of resignation to the Board.

Section 10 - Director Resignation:

a.        Director shall give one month written notice of intention to resign to the
President of the Board.




These Governing Policies may be amended by a majority vote of the Board, subject to
approval by the congregational council. 1). Proposed changes must be submitted in
writing to each Board member for discussion and review at the meeting prior to a vote on

2). Upon Board approval, proposed changes must be submitted to the congregational
council in writing for approval.


Roberts' Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority on all points not covered by these
Governing Policies.